Categories: Love and Relationship

Proper difference between a casual and committed relationship

Suppose you like a girl and she likes you back and you know it. What do you do next? How do you know what kind of relationship you want? A committed one where you promise to spend the rest of your life together or a casual one where there is no promise or guarantee of any kind!! To decide this, you first need to know what kind of relationships are these!!

Casual relationship – Mostly it starts with a fling and develops later on. In a casual relationship, you care but not acknowledge each other’s feelings. The expression or even holding any intimate feelings about your partner is prohibited. It is like a normal relationship but without the assurance of a promising future together. It is based on providing each other with comfort, sex and exchanging gifts but all without emotions. In case of a breakup, there is no drama, no fights and no whining. Since the beginning of the relationship, you know that it is going to end someday. This is why you don’t feel hurt or pain and both partners can continue to be friends.

Serious relationship –   Everything about this relationship is the same as the casual type. The only thing that differs most is emotions or feelings of affection towards each other. You deeply care about each other’s emotions and along with comfort, physical intimacy, and gifts you also provide emotional support. Since you trust each other with almost everything, it is difficult to end this relationship without having any fights or dramatization. It deeply hurts both the partners and it is almost impossible to be friends in the aftermath. Further, it also becomes awkward and weird if you ever meet again in the future.

All we should understand from this is relationships are supposed to be handled in steps. You can’t jump from being friends to being in a relationship and get married right away. A couple must spend enough time together and explore your options. If you are in a casual relationship you get a chance to be sure about your feelings and express them later on to convert it into a committed one.


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