Categories: Love and Relationship

Revealed: Top 7 Myths Of Marriage

With rising divorce rates, many couples are dicey about their decision of getting into a relationship or getting married. There are some myths of marriages that you need to be aware of to help you make better relationship decisions.

1st Myth: It is a myth that marrying increases the risk of domestic violence on women than her single counterpart.

Research has shown that women living in a relationship with men outside marriage are at higher risk of domestic violence. Married women can under report domestic violence and additionally, it is less likely for a woman to marry a violent man and can file for a divorce.

Also, men are more invested in marriage and the well-being of their wives.

2nd Myth: Couples living in live-in-relationships before marriage are able to see how well-suited they are for each other and therefore tend to have long-lasting marriages.

Studies show that couples in a live-in-relationship are likely to have a less satisfying marriage and high chances of breaking up.

3rd Myth: More educated women have lower chances of getting married.

Educated women marry at an older age compared to the last century women who married much earlier.

4th Myth: Bearing children improves the bond of a married couple and brings them marital joy.

The arrival of a baby affects the couple and tends to push them apart but having a child lowers the divorce rate.

5th Myth: Good luck and romance make marriage a success.

A successful marriage is possible with commitment and companionship. It is about dedication and hard work towards your marriage.

6th Myth: Marriage is beneficial to men more than women.

Both men and women equally benefit from the marriages and live a happy and healthy married life together

7th Myth: Cohabitation is a marriage without a piece of paper.

In such marriages, the couples are not committed like married couples. They are oriented towards their own personal autonomy.

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Also Read: Tips to spend lovely ‘WE’ time after marriage


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