Categories: Love and Relationship

Scientific facts about being in a relationship that will stun you

Relationships and love are a part of life, but occasionally they can seem too wonderful to be true. Here are some startling relationship-related scientific facts that you might not be aware of:

1. The heart rates of couples who gaze into each other’s eyes for three minutes synchronize.

2. Even just gazing at a loved one’s photo can ease pain and stress.

3. In the gut, butterflies actually exist. They are brought on by the adrenaline rush that occurs during the fight-or-flight response.

4. When you look at someone attractive, your pupils enlarge, which in turn makes you appear more attractive.

5. You can decide if you like someone in just four minutes. 6. Others are drawn to people who are equally appealing, and they are more likely to get together.

7. Looking each other in the eyes can cause complete strangers to fall in love.

8. A hug or embrace causes the body to release natural painkillers.

9. People who are in love and those who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder share molecular similarities (OCD)

10. The neurological repercussions of falling in love are the same as those of cocaine.

11. Too similar couples are less likely to stay together.

12. Grief is a real thing. Broken Heart Syndrome is a syndrome where a person experiences actual pain near their heart.

13. You can feel joy right away by being grateful to the ones you love.

14. An appealing face is chosen over an attractive body in a long-term relationship.

15. Men swoon over ladies more quickly.

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