· Spend enough time with them

Spend time with them. If they want and expect anything from you is your time. They are lonely with hardly any work to do and few or no one to talk to. It is quite difficult for them to spend their time. So take time out of your busy schedule and go spend time with them, talk to them about their day and about their needs etc. It will surely make them feel happy and valued.

· Listen to their stories

Our grandparents have many stories to tell about their life. They have many experiences to share and many lessons to teach. You spend an hour with them and you will definitely take something valuable with you. Sometimes their expectations from you can be weird and won’t be acceptable according to today’s era but at least listen to them. They will feel good that there’s someone who listens to them. Someone whom they can talk to.

· Ask if they need any help

Be concerned and show the concern to your grandparents. Ask them about their health, ask if they need any help with medicines or other necessities. Don’t only ask but be ready to help them. You must take care of their necessities as much as you are capable of.

· Bring them their favourite food

You can’t really gift anything to your grandparents because they’ll hardly use anything. But you can bring them their favourite food. Your grandparents are old and don’t really go to places to eat. But being old doesn’t mean giving up on food, learn from them what food they love the most and from what place. If that place still exists go there buy them their favourite food. Your grandparents have given you so much to eat.Remember when you went to their place and they had a table full of your favourite food. Now it’s your turn to make them happy.

· Be respectful towards them

They are much elder to you, be respectful towards them. They might make mistakes or even frustrate you at times but be patient with them. Don’t increase your tone on them. Don’t say anything that would offend them. They have done so much for your parents and you. You must respect that fact and be respectful and grateful to your grandparents.

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