· Living with deads, Indonesia

Indonesian culture, Living with the dead is one of the most strange and weirdest cultures found around the world. The though behind following this culture is the Indonesian people, particularly this group of people, believe in an afterlife and the entire ritual is followed for the good luck of the deceased. In this ritual, people wrap the dead person in special clothes and keep them safe in the house for months instead of disposing of them.
· Lip-plating, Ethiopia

Lip plating in Ethiopia is a weird cultural tradition followed by the women of the Mursi tribe. They have their lips cut at the age of 15 or 16. And a small clay plate is inserted into the lip. Through the years, larger plates are inserted into the lip causing it to stretch. It is suggested that the tradition started to make women look less attractive to avoid slave trading, another theory suggests that it represent wealth and glory.
· Keeping hair, China

This tradition is followed by the Miao community in China. The ladies there never cut their hair. They also collect the hair that falls during combing and make a wig out of them. Not only this, but the culture is also about weaving the hair of the dead into a wig and are carefully dressed around young girls head. These wigs are worn specifically in festivals and are passed on to generations.
· Huli, Papua New Guinea

The Huli are one of the most famous tribes on Papua New Guinea, an island in Oceania that is home to hundreds of unique traditional tribes. The Huli are considered to be fearless warriors, they are well known for their unique headdresses and for the way they paint their bodies with yellow sacred clay and red ochre. They are also said to be wrapping snakeskin around their forehead and many more. But particularly they tie a pig belt around their waist to attract women. Pigs are even used to buy brides in their traditions.