Whether you want to keep snakes as pets or not, knowing the facts and various types of trivia about them can help you stay informed and even become thrilled about them.
Here are some fascinating snake facts that you should be aware of.
1. Snakes come in about 3000 different varieties
Some are long, some are short, some are multicoloured, and some are completely black. Most significantly, some are poisonous, while others are completely innocuous.
2. Snakes are deaf
Snakes do not have any ears. Snakes prefer to stay close to the ground and glide flat against it. This is because they utilize their mouths to feel and judge movement through vibrations on the ground.
3. The majority of poisonous snakes are brightly coloured
The brilliant colours serve as a warning sign to any predator, alerting them to the possibility that this snake is toxic and can kill them if bitten. A few non-venomous snakes, on the other hand, have this trait as well as vibrant colours on their scales. This deceives the predators and protects them.
4. Snakes in zoos live longer than those in the wild
One of the most fascinating bits of snake information for kids on the internet is that snakes in captivity live longer and grow larger. In South America, an anaconda has survived for over 28 years. Anacondas may reach lengths of up to 38 feet and weights of up to 120 kilograms.
5. Snakes only eat when they’re hungry
Many snakes have various appetites at different seasons of the year. Some people can eat once every two weeks or even once a month, while others can eat once every two weeks or even once a month. It all depends on their level of physical activity, which is why zoo snakes only feed a few times a year.
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