The gaming industry has been growing steadily ever since the first video game consoles were introduced. From the early days of Pong and Space Invaders to more recent developments such as Minecraft and Oculus, games have become more immersive and engaging than ever before.
But do these games make kids more stubborn? A growing body of research indicates that they might. A study conducted by psychologists at the Finland’s University of Helsinki examined how playing a virtual reality game affected people’s willingness to collaborate with other players. The researchers found that after playing for just 20 minutes, people became less willing to cooperate with other players who were present physically in the same room as them (as opposed to those who were remote from them).
The gaming industry has made many changes in how we play games, what kind of games we play, how we play them, and where we play them. These changes have made children more stubborn than they were before playing games on their gadgets or consoles.
The kids are becoming more stubborn because they do not have other things to do besides playing games on their gadgets or consoles. They feel that if they don’t play games then they will miss something important happening in their life that they should be aware of or else they will be behind in something important happening somewhere else which might affect their future as well as something else that doesn’t even matter at all!
So basically what we are saying here is not only do they get addicted to gaming but they also tend to ignore other things happening around them which could easily lead them towards some serious problems later on down the road if not handled properly.