If you know someone who suffers from anxiety and bipolar disorder, you understand how difficult it can be. The individual with the illness, as well as the people in their lives, may struggle with unpredictable behaviors and significant mood swings.
It’s critical for those who suffer from anxiety or bipolar disorder to know how to deal with their symptoms. However, it’s also critical that those close to them, such as friends and family ones, understand how to assist them while they’re having a bipolar or anxiety episode.
1. Self-education is essential
You’ll be ready to assist more people if you know something about anxiety and bipolar disorder. Knowing the signs of bipolar and depressed periods, for example, might help you respond effectively during mood swings.
2. Pay attention
To be useful, you don’t necessarily have to offer solutions or advise. In fact, becoming a better listener is one of the most crucial matters you can do for someone with anxiety or bipolar disorder, particularly when they want to talk about their problems.
3. Don’t put any strain on them
Don’t place your friend or relative under any stress to do more than they’re satisfied with. It’s critical to be calm, respect their requests, and go at a speed that is comfortable to them. Understand that being helpless to regulate their anxieties is a sign of anxiousness, and that they have no control over how they experience.
4. Inquire about how you can assist
Your friend or relative may probably be aware of how you may assist them, such as by assisting them in stressful conditions, communicating gently to them, or completing breathing techniques with them. You could assist them feel more in charge by asking what they need or how you can assist them.
5. Take care of yourself
Supporting someone with a psychological disorder can be extremely difficult at times; you are not the only one if you feel frustrated. It’s also important to keep in mind to take care of your own mental wellbeing so that you have the ability, motivation, and capacity to assist others.
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