Getting what you wish for isn’t an easy thing. It takes much more effort than just daydreaming or hoping. Everyone has big wishes which are very difficult to achieve, but just wondering isn’t going to make them true.
Here are ways you can plan how to fulfill your wish.
Set your goals: Firstly, you must be very clear about what you wish for and also why it matters to you. Make a note of it and analyze the progress every day.
Strategy: After figuring out your goals, the next step is to make a proper plan for how you will start working on them and achieve them slowly. To make it achievable, break it down into smaller and more effective steps to step up every day.
Action: The most important step is planning, and all is easy, but bringing it into action is the difficult part. Start by taking baby steps, and then with time, build momentum toward your goals. Also, don’t let failure make you feel weak.
Be Motivated: There will come many chances when you will be depressed, but keeping up is what you have to do. Whenever you fall, remind yourself to stand up and work for it.
Learning: It is an important step, as learning should never stop. Be open to learning new skills and adapting skills.
Seek support: Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you. Seek advice and guidance from mentors or experts in your field.
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