Even if it’s wet and unpleasant outside for us adults, it doesn’t necessarily mean that our kids feel the same way. Children are drawn to rain pools like a beacon. They enjoy jumping in them, riding their trikes through them, feeling the droplets on their calves, floating objects in them, and many other activities.
1. Puddle leaping – I frequently urge my five-year-old to put on his raincoat and boots and rush outside to jump in pools while it is pouring as long as it is warm enough! He enjoys jumping into pools after it has rained, but his favourite part is observing the rain descend into the puddles! What an entertaining method to practise leaping and stomping gross motor skills! Kids can learn about water’s characteristics, cause and effect, and other concepts through this straightforward exercise.
2. Floating and Sinking – Use a pond as a natural water table for the second activity, “Floating and Sinking.” Allow your kid to play with various objects they find outside to learn about the characteristics of floating and sinking. The pond has any floating leaves. Why not use a stick? or a stone? This might inspire further investigation and testing. Why does dropping a pebble into a puddle cause waves to appear? Through this kind of play, kids learn to anticipate outcomes and investigate options for resolving their queries.
3. Puddle Soup: Children use their surroundings to construct play experiences without much assistance from adults. All we have to do is provide them with the freedom and chances to investigate their thoughts. To engage in puddle play, provide some containers and shovels or utensils. Puddle broth is a favourite of my son’s. He uses complex language to explain his actions and speak with actual and made-up companions as he stirs, scoops, measures, and serves his soup. Kids can improve their language, gain confidence, and develop self-control through creative play. Using measuring spoons and glasses, puddle soup can also promote measuring and fine motor skills.
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