Online studying offers students the opportunity to sit back on your couch or bed or anywhere in the house and listen to the class. There is a tremendous rise in online learning classrooms and lectures due to the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown situation. Where in the classrooms have shifted towards online platforms, which help the learning and studying to not stop and students can sit at home in their pajamas and attend their lectures? Even though the letters are online you still how to attend the lectures with full attention, participate in answering the questions in the class, and have an interactive class as normal classrooms. The teachers and professionals are taking a lot of effort into the online lectures and assignments, so respect them.

There are various dos and don’ts for the students in attending online classes, some of them are stated below-

  1. Dos :

  • Login in the meeting on time, punctuality

Even if you are attending online lectures, your attendance still counts. So you’ll have to log in to the particular software whichever your professor is using.

  • Set up in a quiet and uninterrupted space

As a student, you must make sure you are sitting in a quiet and interrupted space to not disturb the class with your background noises. Lock your room door for privacy and inform your parents or roommates about your meeting and tell them to be cooperative.

  • Respect your teacher’s inconvenience if any

If your teacher interrupts in between due to any network issue, corporate, have patience and try to figure out what’s the issue and do not make a mess. Even during discussions make sure to speak one at a time.

  • Be attentive

Online lectures are very flexible in nature and one can easily not pay attention or do some other things instead of listening to the lecture. But it is mandatory for you to listen to your class and be attentive.

  1. Don’ts:

  • Don’t excuse with bad internet

Once you enroll for an online class, your excuse for bad internet or any technical issues won’t be accepted. So keep alternatives for technical issues.

  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions

Believe that the online class if the same as a normal class and do not hesitate to ask questions or answer any of them.

  • Don’t think that you are all alone

Even if all the participants are away from each other, don’t think you are alone and try to get involved and have an interactive class.

  • Do not get distracted with other social windows

Do not distract yourself from other social media websites and lose attention from the class. Respect the teacher’s efforts in making you teach in such a situation.

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